Jennifer Kiesler

picture of myself

About me

A Full Stack Web Developer that has developed many applications independently and as part of a group using technologies like JavaScript, Node.js, and MySQL. I have acquired many transferable skills from my previous work experiences including problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and time management that will allow me to excel in the workplace.

Technical Skills


screenshot of House Rules application

House Rules

This application lets a user read posts about different types of games and write their own posts.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express.js, Sequelize, Handlebars, Bootstrap, MVC, Anime.js, Cloudinary

screenshot of Toss Me A Book application

Toss Me A Book

This application helps the user find a book to read in many different ways.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bulma, Books API, OpenLibrary API

screenshot of Tech Blog

CMS-Style Tech Blog

An application where developers can publish their blog posts and comment on other developers’ posts as well.
JavaScript, Bootstrap, MySQL, Handlebars, Sequelize, Express.js

screenshot of E-Commerce Back End application

E-Commerce Back End

This application is the back end for an e-commerce site.
Express.js, MySQL, Sequelize

screenshot of the employee tracker app

Employee Tracker App

A command-line application that manages a company's employee database.
Node.js, Inquirer, MySQL

screenshot of an engineering team profile sample

Engineering Team Profile

A command-line application that takes in information about employees and creates a team profile.
OOP, Node.js, Jest

screenshot of the Anywhere Forecast

Anywhere Forecast

This application is for someone wanting to see the weather for a specific city or for a traveler who wants to see the weather outlook for the cities they are traveling too.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, OpenWeather API

screenshot of the Code Quiz

Code Quiz

This application is a timed coding quiz with multiple-choice questions.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript

screenshot of a readme sample

Quick README Generator

A command-line application that quickly generates a high-quality, professional file from a user's input using the Inquirer package.
Node.js, Inquirer

screenshot of note taker app

Note Taker

An application that can be used to write and save notes.
Express.js, shortid

screenshot of work day schedule

Work Day Scheduler

This application is a simple calendar that allows a user to save events for each hour of the work day.

screenshot of password generator

Password Generator

This application is used to generate a random password based on criteria that is selected.

Contact me

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